



Welcome! There is many opportunities where you can collaborate and connect with other members in IASK. If you have an idea and would like to discuss it with us, please get in touch here. We would love to hear from you!


Meeting of Schools (MoS): 2021 will be the first edition of this new tradition. Kinesiology schools from all over the world are invited to come together and discuss common topics of interest while getting to know common practices around the world and maybe get new ideas and inspiration from working together across borders.  First meeting: August 18 th 2021 14-16 CEST on ZOOM. Ferquency: once a year. Find meeting in calendar


Meeting of Associations (MoA):

It is a moment of joy which brings representative of all national associations together in order to share experiences, needs and ideas and grow out of mutual support and connection. Next MoA: August 25th 2021 14-16 CEST on Zoom. Ferquency: once a year.  Find meeting in calendar.


Cup of Coffee: once every two months. IASK invites all members to join online on regular intervals, approximately once every two months, to discuss different topics and share ideas and techniques from their own practices. This is a platform for members of the board AND all IASK members to meet a large audience and start a discussion. Find meeting in calendar.

World conference

Conferences. IASK usually co-organises a conference on a regular basis. In the past it has been every (second) year. Next conference: April 16 th-18th 2021. Find meeting in calendar.


Share and connect in our Facebook group

Read our annoncements about what IASK offer on our Facebook page


Interviews on interesting topics at our Youtube Channel/Playlist IASK Kinesiology Connection


Grant: Do you have an idea for kinesiology research, education or outreach? This soon to be launched initiative has been created and funded by IASK and will be managed by Knowlative with an aim to create opportunities to apply for small grants to support and promote kinesiology initiatives.


Hubs: Hubs are opportunities for members to be part of projects led by IASK without having to be involved with the background work of sitting on a board.


Meet, collaborate and connect whith kinesiologists, educators and associations all over the world here


For members: Download Articles, Studies, IASK Logo, IASK Member certificate and IASK By laws here